Have you ever wanted to be able to quickly know what directions you’re heading to just by looking at your iPhone Status bar? Well, me neither, but I’m sure there is someone out there with a need for this new tweak by jailbreak dev Rud0lf77 called DirectionBar.
As you might have guessed by now, DirectionBar adds a handy live compass to your Status bar. Simply pull out your iPhone from your pocket, hit the Home button to wake your device, and look for the little compass pointing to the North…
DirectionBar comes with a set of nine different compass icons, but if that’s not enough for you, you may find some more on Cydia – although I have to say a quick search for “compass icon” on Cydia didn’t return any relevant results. I’m guessing that because the tweak is new, custom compass icons haven’t been added to Cydia yet, and it might just be a matter of time.
Those of you with Photoshop skills can also create their own icons and load them up to /Library/ApplicationSupport/StatusCompass via SSH or your favorite file browser.
The compass icon is updated in real time but you might notice a slight delay when the device was just unlocked or when the Springboard just started. Even though I haven’t played extensively with the DirectionBar, I’m happy to report that it works just as advertised.
Now there is the battery concern. Will using DirectionBar drain your battery? I’m not sure but what I can tell you is that I lost 4% of battery in the 10-15 minutes I was playing with DirectionBar, although I’ll admit I performed a few resprings, which never really help battery wise.
This being said, you can download DirectionBar for free in Cydia via the ModMyI repo. If you do give it a try, please make sure to share your thoughts about the tweak in the comment section.
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