Sunday, April 7, 2013

2x2 Folder Icons
Surenix, the designer/developer behind the hugely popular ayecon theme has just released a simple tweak for iOS that changes the layout of your folder icons. Normally, a folder icon shows a preview grid of up to nine icons for apps that are placed in a given folder. With the2×2 Folder Icons tweak, you can change this 3×3 grid of icons to a 2×2…
You can see the tweak in action on the image above. On the left is the normal 3×3 grid of icons that you’re probably accustomed to. On the right is the new layout, compliments of 2×2 Folder Icons.
Those of you who’ve installed the ayecon theme are probably already familiar with this design mod. Indeed, 2×2 Folder Icons is actually part of ayecon, which you can choose to turn on or off in the theme settings.
According to Surenix, 2×2 Folder Icons was primarily meant for WinterBoard themes like ayecon, which utilizes smaller icons than the bigger stock iOS icons.
Personally, I’m not a big fan of this 2×2 grid as I think it leaves too much empty space around the icons. If I had the choice, I’d rather have the 2×2 grid display bigger icons so they fill the whole space of the folder icon. Hopefully Surenix will hear me out and make this an option in a future update.
2×2 Folder Icons is available via the BigBoss repo on Cydia for $0.99. If you’re going to spend $0.99 on this tweak, why not spend $2.99 on ayecon, which includes 2×2 Folder Icons as well as a gorgeous theme for your iPhone?


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