Imagine dining at a sumptuous, football-field-sized smorgasbord where all your friends and acquaintances have made and brought tantalizing morsels for you. And it’s all yours to sample, as you glide past table after stacked table. On ice skates.
Now replace the food with photos, and you’ll understand the draw of Cooliris (assuming you like looking at photos; and since the toaster is probably the last remaining electric gadget not equipped with either a camera or a way to display images, it’s a safe assumption).
And the iOS app is even cooler now that it’s just been seamlessly integrated with Dropbox.
Integration with Dropbox is a pretty big deal because the service is often used by photographers, from casual to pro, as a private or semi-private storage area for images. Of course, this is in addition to the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, Picasa and SmugMug integration that already exists. There’s even more, but I’m running out of room here.
Another new feature: Cooliris now also allows users to easily add images to their Google Drive or Dropbox accounts.
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