Saturday, April 13, 2013

What is Evasi0n ?!

Evad3rs the team has posted a detailed explanation of the operation of jailbreak Evasi0n. Pod2g, Planetbeing, MuscleNerd and Pimskeks the four developers of this team, give this presentation (. PDF) the key strategy employed to take advantage of security holes in iOS 6 before Apple fills several gaps in the last update. This slideshow was presented at the Conference on Computer Security Hack In A Box which was held in Amsterdam, between 8 and 11 April.

Apple has filled the main vulnerabilities used by iOS 6.1.3 evasi0n with all this information may seem outdated. However, the document remains interesting even if only to understand how it is possible to exploit vulnerabilities.,%20Planetbeing,%20Musclenerd%20and%20Pimskeks%20aka%20Evad3rs%20-%20Swiping%20Through%20Modern%20Security%20Features.pdf


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