Thursday, June 13, 2013

Today Apple has just made a few changes in the App Store app, right now you will be able to sort your Purchased apps alphabetically, as the storefront now includes a brand new lefthand bar where you can easily sort your purchased apps alphabetically.
Via iDB
So right now if you opened your iPad and tap on the App Store, go to the purchased section. where you will see a quick navigation bar on the lefthand side of the Purchased section. Similar to the Music app in iOS 6, this let you tap a letter to quickly jump to the corresponding purchased items.

Strangely enough, the new feature is notably absent from the App Store storefront on iPhones and iPods. These things take time to propagate so you could start seeing it on your iPhone and iPod touch devices soon, provided Apple has implemented it on smaller form-factor iDevices in the first place.

So what do you think ?


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