Tuesday, June 11, 2013

iOS 6 Vs iOS 7

I didn't upgrade my iPhone to iOS 7 beta 1, because too many users complaint and said they are facing a few problems in the voice registration and etc...

Complaints range from the icons being too colourful and out of place to being completely different from each other to resembling a terrible Photoshop job by a 14-yer-old. We’ll let you be the judge: here’s a side-by-side comparison of iOS 6 vs iOS 7 icons…

A big thanks for  @pawsupforu...

And here's your full infographic: 
You know the only new app icon design I like the most is the mail app, it looks simple and gorgeous at the same time.. 

So what do you think ? Which one is better ? iOS 6 app icons or iOS 7 app icons ?

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