Three-quarters of mobile malwares could be easily removed from your any smartphone simply by installing a new software update and that's it you are done, yet ignored by 96 percent of Android owners. As for Apple’s iOS, it’s nowhere to be found on the malware hit-list, an area in which Apple is happy to hand to rivals…
“Most Android malware could be avoided if users were running the latest operating system, but Juniper’s data says only 4 percent of users are,” the company reports.
On average, a malware-infected Android phone can send $10 to those writers.
Similarily, McAfee found out that attacks involving Android devices has risen dramatically in the space of just one year (chart above), skyrocketing to more than 36,000 instances in 2012, up from only 792 cases.
So still thinking about switching to Android because of iOS 7 or else.. You must thanks god because you have a device doesn't contain viruses like Trojan or malware..
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