Everything we've heard in the past few months was totally wrong, it sounds like most of what we’ve heard about the next version of iOS is spot on. The entire UI has been completely redesigned with flat icons and other elements, and a new, Helvetica Nueue Ultra Light-like font…
Here’s more from the site:
That's not all, they also said that when the user in a "Black Mode" the keyboard is black with gray letters. And when it’s in ‘white mode,’ it has gray keys with white letters, similar to the stock Android keyboard. It’s going to be quite the departure from the current version.“Perhaps most interesting: There are two color schemes for many of these apps – one black-ish and one white-ish. We’re not sure if they are A/B decoys, if white iPhones and Black iPhones will have their own color schemes or as someone else suggested, the different color schemes might be invoked by the amount of ambient light or the time of day. But it is super-interesting, especially since we’ve heard whispers that the whole UI might shift slightly based on external factors similar to the way the music volume icon switches based on how you hold the iPhone.”
Check out this mockup picture for a new different stock icons:
So could we see such design at Apple's WWDC 2013 ?
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