Thursday, June 20, 2013

If you haven’t already watched Apple’s WWDC keynote, it’s probably because you just haven’t found the time. At just under two hours long, it’s not something you can just slip into your day. But you can now watch it at your leisure on any of your electronics devices beause Apple just uploaded the entire thing to YouTube.
We’ve made things even easier for you by embedding the video below, so you don’t even have to go and look for it. You can watch it in 1080p, which means it’ll look great on your living room TV, and it won’t keep cutting out when things get exciting like the live stream did.
The real action begins around the 17-minute mark when Craig Federighi comes up to announce OS X Mavericks, and preview some of its biggest new features, including Finder tabs, fullscreen support for multiple displays, Safari improvements, and Maps and iBooks.
At 48 minutes, Phil Schiller comes up to announce Apple’s latest Mac updates, including refreshments to the MacBook Air, and of course, the new Mac Pro.
At 1 hour and 15 minutes, Tim Cook announces iOS 7 and shows the promo video. This is where WWDC went downhill for me, but those who like the new design will enjoy watching Federighi run through its new features, I’m sure.


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