Saturday, March 23, 2013

iPhone 5 promo video (back, black, camera closeup 001)
Part leaks for Apple’s next-generation smartphone, rumored to be the iPhone 5S, have thus far been hard to come by. Back in January a purported speaker assembly for future iPhones popped up, but that’s been pretty much the gist of it.
Until today, that is. A Japanese electronics parts vendor claims to have gotten its hands on a couple of 5S components. The first is a Home button, which looks a bit different from its predecessor. And the second appears to be a vibrator…
5s home button
French blog points to the photos of the parts, noting that their serial numbers look similar to those on authentic Apple parts. Notice how on the back of the iPhone 5 Home button, the serial number begins with an ’821.’
So assuming these components are the real deal, what do they tell us about the iPhone 5S? For starters, look at the differences in the Home buttons. The 5S button has a much longer flex cable, which appears to be fit for different internals.
5s vibrator
The second part is said to be a 5S vibrator motor, with a flex cable that looks like it connects to its volume rocker and mute switch. While there’s no image for us to compare it to,MacRumors says the cable is more compact than its predecessor.
Overall, these pieces seem to line up with previous reports that suggest the iPhone 5S will look very much like the 5. The handset is rumored to have an upgraded camera system and a fingerprint scanner, but we’ve yet to see any evidence supporting that.
It’s possible, though, that part leaks will start to pick up in the coming weeks. Most of the chatter we’ve heard points to a summer release for the 5S, meaning that production of the handset should start to ramp up within the next month or so.


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