Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Iconoclasm v1.8.3 tweak lets you break the barriers of what you can do with your icons. Previously, you had to deal with multiple extensions that didn’t necessarily play nice with each other, or use blank web clips. With Iconoclasm deb you can define as many rows or columns you want. You can even break free from rows and columns, and simply have icons placed freely on your home screen. It’s all up to you.

What’s new in Iconoclasm version 1.8.3
Tall screen support added. Similarly to iPad support, layouts specifically for devices with tall screens (iPhone 5, 5th gen iPod touch) can be created by using the Cols-Tall and Rows-Tall keys for grid layouts or the Origins-Tall keys for freeform layouts.
Fixed: iPad users no longer experience safe mode crashes when using a layout without landscape coordinates.
Fixed: Page per-page layout settings now works properly.

Download Iconoclasm 1.8.3 available in Cydia via the ModMyi Repo for $3.00 and supports iOS 6.1.2


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