Monday, March 25, 2013

iOS 6.1.2 & Jailbreak. Battery Life = Excellent.

iOS 6.1.2 & Jailbreak
iOS 6.1.2 & Jailbreak. Battery Life = Excellent.
Lots messages. Lots questions. Lots comments. Only One Answer.
The answer is simple – do not listen what write those who did not have this jailbroken idevice, but had read the conclusions of so-called experts and now criticize it without knowing about it from his personal practice. If you need a Cydia Tweaks, AppSync (NoPiracy Please) and comfort of the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch – take it and you would not regret about.

iOS 6.1.2, iPhone 5 With Wifi, 3G, Personal Hotspit (30 min), Stanby: 11 Hours, Usage: 3 Hours, Internet: Facebook, Twitter, Ingtagram, Email + Push.
This is what Im running on my Jailbreak Show Example iPhone 4 32GB iOS 6.1.2 – no errors so far :)
List of installed packages:
0. 3G Unrestrictor 2
1. 7-zip (POSIX)
2. A Logo For Zeppelin
3. Accelerate
4. Activator
5. ActiveDock
6. Activoice
7. adv-cmds
8. Apple Logos BossPaper Pack
9. AppList
10. AppsCenter for NotificationCenter
11. APR (/usr/lib)
12. APT 0.6 Transitional
13. APT 0.7 (apt-key)
14. APT 0.7 HTTPS Method
15. APT 0.7 Strict
16. APT 0.7 Strict (lib)
17. Aquelo HD
18. ASThemes
19. ayecon
20. bAnd1t
21. Barrel
22. basic-cmds
23. Berkeley DB
24. BigBoss Icon Set
25. biteSMS
26. Boss Theme
27. BossPaper
28. Bourne-Again SHell
29. BYA Repo Icons
30. bzip2
31. CallLogPro
32. CleanActivity
33. Core Utilities
34. Core Utilities (/bin)
35. cURL
36. CustomWidgetIcons
37. Darwin Tools
38. Debian Packager
39. Debian Utilities
40. Default HD SBSettings
41. Diff Utilities
42. diskdev-cmds
43. DooM Signal Bars iOS 6 and 5
44. EasySudo
45. Enable Copy text in Facebook app
46. Erica Utilities
47. evasi0n 6.0-6.1.2 Untether
48. Evasi0n zeppelin logos
49. f.lux
50. Facebook Photo Library integration
51. Fake Operator
52. file-cmds
53. Find Utilities
54. Firewall iP
55. Gawk
56. gettext
57. GNU Privacy Guard
58. Godfather
59. grep
61. gzip
62. Haptic Keyboard
63. Helper lib for NobitaZZZ apps (InstaShare, Sara, AppShare, …)
64. HYI Repo Icons
65. iCleaner
66. iFile
67. iFile Documentation (pl)
68. iHacksRepos Repo GUI Files
69. iRetiner GUI
70. iShakeLock
71. iSHSHit
72. LastApp
73. less
74. libaiml
75. libdisplaystack
76. libhide
77. libstatusbar
78. libxml2
79. libxml2 Library
80. LivelyIcons
81. LZMA Utils
82. Make Gmail as default
83. MissionBoard Pro
84. Mobile Substrate
85. NCColors
86. NCSettings
87. network-cmds
88. New Curses
89. Open
90. OpenBackup
91. OpenSSL
92. PageJumps
93. PAM (Apple)
94. PAM Modules
95. pcre
96. PdaNet
97. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
98. pincrush
99. PowerDown for QuickDo
100. PowerMusic MiniPlayer
101. Preference WithMe
102. PreferenceLoader
103. Profile Directory
104. QuickShoot
105. readline
106. Repo Cydia Setup
107. Repo Icons
108. Sara 0.2.2 – build 35
109. Sara 0.3
110. SBPhotoDial
111. SBRotator 6
112. SBSettings
113. sbsettingstoggles
114. sbutils
115. sed
116. Serious SBSettings HD
117. shell-cmds
118. Signal Booster
119. Siri for iOS 6.1.2
120. SiriDR
121. SiriDr Depends IOS6
122. Smart 3G
123. Source Saver
124. Springtomize 2 – iOS 5 & 6
125. Springtomize2-Icons
126. Springtomize2-Localizations
127. Star Wars Sliders Retina
128. Substrate Safe Mode
129. SubtleLock
130. Sudo
131. SwipeAway
132. SwipeSelection
133. system-cmds
134. Tape Archive
135. TokenFix
136. TypeStatus
137. UIKit Tools
138. Unfold
139. Unfold Theme
140. UnlimTones
141. unrar
142. WeeLoader
143. WhoIsCalling
144. WiFi Logo HD
145. WinterBoard
146. Winterboard Icon HD Theme
147. Zeppelin
(Via Evad3rs)


  1. Bro,What version of evasion using?

  2. have a look at my batttery life iOS 6.1.2 and Jailbreak with most tweaks



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