Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sticky Icky - cydia tweak

sticky icky
Folks who dislike the fact that iOS automatically dismisses notification banners after just a few seconds will be happy to hear that there is a jailbreak tweak out that makes them much more permanent.
Sticky Icky, written by developer Aleksander Azizi, lives up to its name by pinning new notification banners to the top of your iOS device’s screen, and keeping them there until you manually close them…
The tweak itself is fairly straight forward. There’s no Spring board icon, and there’s only one option in the Settings app for changing the banner dismissal button. You can choose from an ‘X,’ a ‘-’ and others.
Once activated, all push notification banners will stick to the top of your device’s screen until you manually dismiss them, or your device locks. I found they stayed even when using fullscreen apps and games.
For the most part, the tweak worked well. But I did, however, notice that when my iPhone went into landscape mode, things got a bit glitchy. Additionally, I’d like to see time-based dismissals and other options.
Overall, though, Sticky Icky solves the automated banner dismal conundrum. So if that bugs you, I advise you to check it out. You can find it in Cydia, in the ModMyi repository, and the price is right at $0.
Have you tried Sticky Icky yet? What’d you think?


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