Sunday, June 30, 2013

2013-01-30 22_07_59-evasi0n iOS 6.x Jailbreak - official website of the evad3rs
Joshua Hill has been talking about a lot of exciting prospects as of late, telling us last week that he is working on something “bigger than a jailbreak.” This is all mysterious to onlookers, however, while many across the web have simply assumed he means a bootrom exploit that will permanently jailbreak all A5 (or higher) iOS devices. This would mean that the iPhone 5, iPad mini, and 4th generation iPad would all be theoretically permanently cracked.

But that was last week. This afternoon, Joshua Hill–known in the jailbreak community as p0sixninja–has tweeted once again, calling on a term he has coined as an open jailbreak. I have a feeling this isn’t the last we will see of the hashtag #openjailbreak.

Sadly, we’re once again left short on the details. What would an open jailbreak entail? A jailbreak for all currently available iOS devices for all available firmwares? Would it mean a jailbreak not developed by a tight-knit team such as the evad3rs? Absolutely no one knows for sure. What do you think this means? Whatever it is, it sounds exciting. Let’s get the deets, Joshua!
Update: Looks like Ryan Petrich decided on today to be a tease, as well. He tweeted the below photo of him attempting to use Activator on iOS 7. He was notified that his iOS  version was too new upon launch. Obviously this is just a tease of the fact that he is indeed running jailbroken iOS 7, but the question of what exploit he used and when such exploit might be released is still to be seen.


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