Yes that's right ! We've got some good news for people who upgraded their devices wrongly to iOS 7 and looking for any possible way to downgrade back to iOS 6.x.x firmwares.. Today it appears that Apple is currently signing 6.0.x versions of iOS firmware. This means that you should be able to downgrade your iPhone or iPad to iOS 6 and re-jailbreak.
Well known iOS hacker and jailbreak developer iH8sn0w was the first to spot the reopening of the signing window, and we have since had multiple users confirm to us that they have successfully downgraded and re-jailbroken their devices. More after the fold…
We've got for you a list for the devices and firmwares that Apple is currently signing (Via
Callum Jones)
Simply pick up your firmware you want to downgrade and click on the download link.. But make sure that there is the "Correct mark" available...
We will be developing the story very soon ! So better to hurry up...
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