He also expects the second half of 2013 to see a budget iPad mini and an iPad 5, but thinks Retina iPad mini will be delayed due to manufacturing challenges. DigiTimes backs up this claim, saying it may happen in the first quarter of 2014.
On the other hand, Nexus 7 2 has been released with a retina grade resolution, and Amazon has also been rumored to be working on three new tablets, with one of them being purported to overcome Retina iPad with 2,560*1600 resolution. Apple can’t be happy with Nexus 7 2 because $399 iPad mini 1024*768 resolution looks outdated.
iPad share also dropped by 30 to 35 percent in June according to WitsView . Looks like Apple is now paying the price of not launching the iPad 5 in April. The budget iPad Mini in fall may be able to bring back some market share, but it’s not going to happen on a large scale until the Retina iPad mini comes in.
There’s high stakes in fall, with the iPhone 5S, budget iPhone and budget iPad mini expected to make an appearance. Due to think a the retina iPad mini will be able to revive market share for Apple?
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