Wednesday, July 31, 2013

ipad miniWe have some potential bad news for those that have been patiently waiting for an iPad mini with Retina display, as it appears that Apple is working on a new non-Retina model of the 7.9-inch tablet.
As discovered by developer Nick Frey, there are references within hidden files in the iOS 7 SDK that confirm Apple is contemplating at least three new tablets… 
9to5Mac has the scoop:
According to the provided information, Apple is considering three new iPad mini models: iPad “2,8,” iPad “2,9,” and iPad “2,10.” The respective code names for the devices are J75, J76, and J77. This points to one WiFi-only model and two cellular-compatible models (just like the current iPad minis).
The hidden strings reveal that the iPad minis will be based on the s5l8950x processor, which is the same Apple A6 system-on-a-chip found in the iPhone 5. As expected, the report claims that it is impossible to confirm that this iPad mini will ever be released to the public. It could remain a prototype for internal testing only, or could be part of a silent update alongside iOS 7 this fall.
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For those that are still waiting for an iPad mini with Retina display, there is still hope. These uncovered iPad mini models carry a codename of “J75,” while the purported Retina model iPad mini is rumored to be codenamed “J85.” Multiple sources have confirmed that Apple has plans to release an iPad mini with Retina display for 2014.


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