Saturday, July 27, 2013

The release of a new exploit to jailbreak smartphones iPhone, a program for Linux operating system , allows untethered jailbreak for CDMA-version of the iPhone 4.
Exploit also known as  ”UnthreadedJB”, which was engaged in its development, claiming that this is the first jailbreak for iOS 5.1, as for Absinthe 2.0 jailbreak tool (requires at least to have iOS 5.1.1 fimrware).
For several months, programmers were developing UnthreadedJB and now have made available to the public the access to the exploits. The person who reported that they have successfully made the untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4?. The advantage of the latter is that the smartphone does not need to connect to a computer on every reboot.Obvious disadvantages of development – you need a computer with Linux OS and  iPhone 4 model running  either Verizon and Sprint. In addition, the device needs to be running on iOS 5.1 firmware, which was released sometimes in the beginning of  2012. It’s certain the jailbreak exploit will receive a lot downloads.
The good news is that the developers want to port the UnthreadedJB jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3 / iOS 6.1.4, which  is more interesting. The latest versions of iOS, Apple closed the vulnerability that allows you to untethered jailbreak using Evasi0n . This exploit is compatible withiOS 6.0-iOS 6.1.2 firmware .


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