A new jailbreak coming from a team known only as “UnthreadedJB” has actually been released this afternoon, and many across the internet are confirming that it is indeed legitimate. Sadly, though, you probably don’t care. As of right now, this jailbreak is only useful for those running iOS 5.1 on a CDMA iPhone 4. Don’t have that specific set up? The “UnthreadedJB” is useless to you. For now…
The jailbreak is untethered, and it’s the first untethered jailbreak we’ve seen as of yet for iOS 5.1. As iDownloadBlog notes, the Absinthe 2.0 jailbreak only worked on iOS 5.1.1.
The “UnthreadedJB” team has been continuously flaunting its progress across manynews sites, forums, and the jailbreak Reddit in the form of spammy hashtags and half-believable videos. As such, it has definitely been called out as being fake, so this is actually a pretty interesting development. Unlike the fake jailbreaks of the past, this one turned out to be real.
Here’s a video of iOS hacker winocom utilizing the exploit on his iPhone 4:
If you happen to fall into this exact configuration, head over and download the binary files now.
What’s interesting here for those of you not on an iPhone 4 running iOS 5, is that the UnthreadedJB team also claims to have an untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 “COMIN #SON” (sic).
All of UnthreadedJB’s Twitter posts and videos have all been suspiciously horrible looking. It’s almost impossible to take them seriously seeing images and posts like this one:
The team is actually promising an iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4 untethered jailbreak in the near future. While UnthreadedJB certainly has proven itself to some extent with tonight’s release, I still remain skeptical.
Thanks ValleyForge for the heads up.
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